Programme Partners

Co-financed by Nordic Innovation, this programme is proudly presented by four leading circular economy organizations from Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Together, these organizations combine their skills and knowledge to advance the circular design agenda across the Nordic region.

Contact Finland:

Project Leader and Country Coordinator Finland – Ethica​​

Ethica is an internationally awarded pioneer and consultant in circular economy since 2013. Ethica has developed circular business with hundreds of companies at different sectors through private consultancy assignment or through publicly funded development programs. ​

In addition to strategic business development consultancy, Ethica has been focusing on Circular Design since the development of Eco-Design Sprint Program for the EU funded Ecodesign Circle program in 2016. Ethica has run numerous Ecodesign and Circular Design sprint programs for companies in Finland, Sweden, Germany, and Estonia, and designed and run Finland’s National Circular Design program for 50 Finnish companies in 2022-2023.​

In private consultancy projects Ethica helps companies to integrate circular economy into their business strategy and processes, and to develop new circular business models, products and services.​

For the Nordic Council of Ministers, Ethica led a Nordic expert team to deliver a white paper on Biomimicry in the Nordic Countries in 2018, and a report on Designing Plastics Circulation in electrical/electronic products in 2019.​

Country Coordinator Denmark – DDC​

The Danish Design Center (DDC) is an independent non-profit foundation co-financed by the Danish government. Since 1978 the DDC has worked to strengthen the use of designers’ thinking and methods in private and public organizations in Denmark and abroad. DDC has become an international frontrunner and one of the foremost trainers of change makers and change making in private and public institutions. DDC has co-designed and facilitated transformational projects and trained thousands of business leaders, innovators, and policy makers to become strategic design thinkers. DDC builds on the legacy of the Danish Government Innovation Lab, MindLab in terms of methods, network, cases and concrete competencies.​

DDC has fully embraced the thinking behind mission-oriented innovation as a significant approach to solving societal challenges, which can unlock new opportunities for citizen involvement, innovation, and sustainable growth. DDC has built missions, which we run with several partners across sectors (foundations, public institutions, researchers, companies etc.). ​

Contact Denmark:

Country Coordinator Sweden – Cradlenet​

Cradlenet is the leading think tank and network for enterprises and professionals in Sweden with a mission to accelerate the circular transition. Cradlenet is a politically independent non-profit organisation that engages selectively in projects and initiatives that align with its circular vision and mission. Cradlenet is a co-founder and managing partner of the Nordic Circular Hotspot. ​

Among its other initiatives, Cradlenet is a co-organizer of Nordic Sustainability Expo, regularly conducts the Circular Economy Outlook report and advises the Swedish government indirectly via the Delegation for Circular Economy and directly as a reference in relevant proposals on policy and law. In this project, Cradlenet will contribute with expertise on circular economy, strategy, product development, business development, business models, facilitation, coaching and communication.

Contact Sweden:

Contact Norway:

Country Coordinator Norway - NCCE​

The Norwegian Center for Circular Economy (NCCE) is a development and competence center for companies and organizations seeing business opportunities in the green shift. ​

​The center was established in 2017 and is a membership organization with over 80 private businesses and public and organisations in Norway. Our vision is to manage our resources in a more sustainable way, through the transition to a circular economy. ​

​NCCE is part of the national innovation cluster program managed by Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Research Council and SIVA. The purpose is to stimulate increased innovation and strengthened competitiveness based on cooperation between companies, R&D and educational environments and public development actors.

For Icelandic companies

We welcome companies from Iceland to participate. If you have any questions, please contact us at this address.

Co-Financing Partner

Co-Financing Partner - Nordic Innovation

Nordic Innovation is an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers. They aim to make the Nordics a pioneering region for sustainable growth by promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness in Nordic businesses.

They support the Nordic prime ministers’ vision that the Nordic region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world in 2030 by creating new collaborations within and across ideas, industries and markets for a sustainable future.

Nordic Innovation provides support for projects and programs to stimulate innovation and works to improve framework conditions for Nordic markets and exports.